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Well Pump Troubleshooting

Shashank Nakate
A pump is an important device that plays a vital role in lifting water out of a well. The information about well pump troubleshooting provided here will help you in solving minor problems with this machine.
A pump is an important piece of equipment for those who are dependent on drawing water from wells, and problems with this device can hamper their day-to-day activities. Starting trouble is the most common problem of pumps. There are a few other causes of this problem as well. The common problems which affect the functioning of a well pump are discussed here.

Starting Trouble

There are many possible causes for occurrence of problems in starting of a pump, and one should try to eliminate the possibilities one by one. It becomes easy to carry out the troubleshooting in this way.
  • First of all, the circuit breaker and fuse need to be checked. The switch should be flipped if thecircuit breaker has tripped.
  • The pump motor may not start if the voltage is not correct. The only way to troubleshoot this problem is calling the service provider.
  • If the impeller is not properly aligned with the motor, starting problems can arise. In such cases, one should check for high amperage and align the motor with impeller.
  • The motor may also not start if the wiring is damaged. Terminal connections need to be checked and inspection should be carried out for insulation of wires. Replacement of the terminal connections, wiring, or both could be required in case of any damage.

Stopping Trouble

Sometimes, due to the occurrence of problems in the motor, it may refuse to stop running. Let us understand the various causes behind this problem and the solutions to be undertaken.
  • Improper adjustment of pressure switch is one of the common reasons behind this problem. Proper adjustment of the switch solves this problem in most cases. If this measure doesn't work, the switch needs to be cleaned. Some problems are understood better by experts, so if neither of the given solutions work, an expert's help should be taken.
  • One of the reasons that the motor doesn't stop running is broken or loose parts; the motor shaft can break and be one of the problems. Replacing these parts helps in solving the problem.
  • In case of submersible pumps, this problem occurs due to the intake screen getting plugged. The screen should be inspected by pulling out the pump. Cleaning it properly helps in resolving the problem.
  • Pumps that are installed above the water level, i.e., on the ground are encountered by the problem of foot valve screen getting plugged. The drop pipe should be pulled out in this case in order to inspect the screen. Cleaning the foot valve screen solves the problem.

Tripped Overload

Reasons of a condition of tipped overload could be numerous. Some of them are discussed here.
  • A defective control box is one of the many reasons behind a tripped overload. The control box needs to be checked for correct voltage transfer between terminals. Replacing the box remains the only option to overcome this problem.
  • The condition of tripped overload can result from overheating of the control box. Installing this box in a shaded area is the option to deal with the problem.
  • The problem of tripped overload can arise if the pump is not wired properly. The circuit diagram should be reviewed in such cases, and correct wiring should be done.
  • If the motor is placed in such a place where there is little or no ventilation, the problem of tripped overload can crop up. Air obstructions that create problems in working of the motor should be removed, and if necessary, the location should be changed.
Well pump troubleshooting needs understanding of the wiring and plumbing of motors. Given information would help in solving the commonly occurring problems. However, for complex problems, one should consult a professional.