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Water Damage Mold

Mrunmayi Deo
Eradicating molds that have grown because of water damage is a huge challenge. They spread quickly and are a threat to all―humans, pets, and the house. Let us look at the causes of water damage mold and a few ways to curb the menace.
Water damage is caused when the wall coverings, ceilings, and tiles of any house or building are likely to be damaged because of excessive moisture due to natural calamities like floods or hurricanes or water leakage through the pipes. Black mold is a type of fungus which grows in the presence of water and is hence known as water damage mold.
During spring, you must have seen a black layer on the walls of your bathrooms or weed-like growth on the ceiling. In such a situation, a full-fledged clean-up becomes necessary to avoid any health issues and risks.
Mold growth needs to be controlled early, or it could lead to serious health issues like respiratory problems, severe headaches, cough, and even poisoning. However, there isn't any significant proof regarding mold toxicity. There are a few mold species that are absolutely nontoxic.

Causes and Identification

The root cause of black mold in a bathroom is a high moisture level or humidity. So, you would have to reduce it by either installing an exhaust fan or a dehumidifier. However, if the growth is on other walls, then checking for a probable water leakage from the pipes should be the next step.
This calls for professional guidance that would include the use of mold removal products to eradicate further spread of the fungus. In case of leakage, ensure that you fix it as early as you can. Molds can grow well in the cracks of walls and damage them, so sealing them becomes mandatory in such a situation.

Home Remedies

There are a few home remedies for mold removal which could help in case the spread is less. They can aid to oppose fungal growth until you get professional help. All you need to do is prepare a spray of white vinegar and water, or baking soda and water, and apply to the affected parts.
Wait for a few hours for the fungus to get killed. You should make it a point to protect yourself with gloves and a face mask as you wouldn't know whether the mold is toxic or not. Another mold removal method is to use chlorine bleach mixed in appropriate amounts of water.
You need to scrub the affected parts with the prepared mixture, wait for a few hours and then clean it.  An easier remedy is to use soap water. Scrub it thoroughly on the mold growth and wash away after some time.
Tea tree oil can also be used. The steps would be to mix water with the oil, dab on a sponge, and rub on the mold. Lastly, clean your bathrooms and walls frequently to prevent mold breakouts.
These were some ways of mold removal. Mold is harmful to human beings and pets alike and its dangers can't be overlooked. It is thus important to take the necessary action as soon as fungal growth is noticed. Mold allergies could be serious and in a few situations turn to be fatal.