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Upholstery Cleaner

Sheetal Mandora
Instead of purchasing expensive upholstery cleaners from the stores, why not make one at home that can get the job done? Read this information for cleaners that can be made with ingredients found in the house.

Homemade Cleaners

Many a time, people don't like the idea of renting cleaning machines or even call for professional cleaners. Perhaps because it could be too much of a hassle, not enough time to spend on looking after them, or it can be expensive in the long run.
Whatever your reasons may be, there are other ways to tackle this situation. And instead of using store-bought upholstery cleaning products, why not mix up a batch at home? So when you have small stains like liquid spills, dirt or ink stains to clean (in your home and car), put the following homemade cleaning products to use.

Furniture Upholstery

For Stains
  • In a bowl, make a paste with Borax, salt, and white vinegar.
  • Apply on the stains and brush in circular movements with a brush.
  • Start from outside the stain and move inwards.
  • Let the paste dry out and then vacuum normally.
For Cleaning
  • In a bowl, mix dish washing liquid and warm water.
  • Mix properly so that there is enough foam.
  • Apply this foam over the upholstery and use the sponge.
  • Use cold water to rinse the surface and let it dry.
  • Once dry, vacuum normally.
For Odors
  • In a bowl, mix white vinegar and baking soda.
  • Rub all over the upholstery and let it soak.
  • Let the fabric dry out and vacuum normally.

Car Upholstery

For Stains
  • In a bowl, mix white vinegar and baking soda. Apply it on the stains using a toothbrush.
  • Let the paste dry out and vacuum normally.
For Cleaning
  • If you want to know how to clean car upholstery, cotton or leather, mix dish washing liquid and warm water.
  • Dip washcloth or brush in the mixture and clean the upholstery properly.
  • For leather seats, you can wipe with clean, dry washcloth.
  • For cotton or other fabrics, let the seats dry and vacuum normally.
For Odors
  • In a bowl, mix 6 tablespoons castle soap flakes, hot water, and 2 tablespoons Borax.
  • Add in a spray bottle and apply in the car.
  • Use a damp sponge or damp washcloth to wipe it.
  • Let the seats dry out and vacuum normally.
Simply wiping or cleaning the upholstery is not enough. You have to be very thorough that you don't leave it smelling bad or stained. So as your weekly cleaning chore, do add enough attention to your home and car upholstery for that perfect finish.