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Solar Water Heater Plans

Ujwal Deshmukh
This article will guide you in your solar water heater plans, if you are looking to install and maintain one in your home. Read on.
Solar energy is one of the biggest forms of energy witnessed by mankind. The amount of energy the sun emits every second is certainly incomparable to any other source of fossil fuel existing on earth. With advancement in science and technology, we all have learned to build and use solar equipment, and save the rapidly depleting fuels. A solar water heater is one such home appliance that runs on solar energy.
Solar water heaters are any day a better alternative to water heaters that run on gas or other non renewable fossil fuels. Above all, these are inexpensive and if properly maintained, can serve you for a long time. I know, you are quite concerned about the depletion of natural resources and therefore are enthusiastic about using these, but here you might be confronted with the question of installing them.

DIY Solar Water Heater Plans

Installing this all by yourself might be a bit difficult, as it involves the consideration of many factors before installation. You need to have knowledge of the local weather, the amount of sunlight that you'll be receiving, safety criteria, and the code requirements of the local apartment.
To take care of all these things, a professional is always advised by experts. However, if you have a proper knowledge and understanding of all the aforementioned things, you are qualified for a DIY installation. Here is the actual procedure for it.

Material Required

This is a list of all the materials required for the procedure of installation.
  • Solar panels
  • PVC pipe
  • 5 micron water filter
  • Water heater
  • Nuts and Bolts


Before installation, consider your requirements and accordingly choose the right sized water heater.
  • The first step is to mount the solar panels on the terrace of your house. Install the solar panel in a direction where it receives maximum sunlight.
The tilt of the solar panel is the most important factor while installing it, as the tilt itself decides the amount of solar energy that will be converted into a usable form of energy. Tighten the panel with the help of bolts. You can refer to the instructor's manual for a more detailed approach towards installing solar panels.
  • Now, connect your main water system to the cold inlet with the help of a PVC pipe.
  • Install a 5 micron water filter in that line, so that large dust particles, pebbles and sediments do not enter your water heating system and damage it.
  • Further, to enable solar heated water to enter your water heating system during cold as well summer days, fit a PVC pipe from the hot water inlet of the solar panel to the cold water inlet of your water heater.


Solar water heaters normally do not require a lot of maintenance, yet you need to perform a regular check of the entire system to avoid malfunctioning and damage. This would ensure a long-lasting water heating system at your service. Following are some areas in the water heating system, which need to be checked from time to time
  • Collector: Collector forms an important part of the solar water heating system, therefore it should be thoroughly checked for the accumulation of dust and soil particles in it over a period of time and also seals and cracks in the glazing material.
  • Plumbing and Wiring: Perform checks on the leakages in pipes, duct connections and wiring and also the insulating material.
  • Support Material: Examine supportive material such as nuts, screws and bolts. Tighten them wherever necessary.
  • Storage Systems: Check the storage system for corrosion and dust particles in it. Clean it periodically with the help of an expert.
You have seen how easy it was to install this energy saving appliance in your home. Moreover, solar water heating is cheap, energy-efficient, and long-lasting. So what else do you need? Go ahead and contribute in your own way towards the conservation of energy by using solar water heaters.