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Sealing Grout Procedure

Bidisha Mukherjee
Sealing grout is a pretty simple task, provided it is applied on a well-prepared surface. This story has tips to help you make this task effortlessly easy.
Grout is added to any newly installed tile so that it does not get displaced from its position. The main components of grout are sand, dyes, hardening agents, etc., which give it a granular and porous surface. As a result, it is susceptible to various forms of damage. It may get stained by dirt and debris.
Moisture accumulated in its surface promotes growth of mold and mildew. Damaged grout not just looks ugly, but can cause harm to the tiles as well. Sealing grout is important in order to provide protection to its permeable surface.

Types of Grout Sealers

Before sealing tile grout, you have to select the right product. Grout sealer is often categorized into two different types. They are: penetrating grout sealers and membrane forming grout sealers. In penetrating grout sealers, water or mineral spirit forms the base, and minute particles of silicone or latex are suspended over it.
When it is applied on the grout, the liquid is readily absorbed into the porous surface. Then, the liquid evaporates and the latex and silicone particles are left on the grout surface. These particles are highly resistant towards moisture, and are regarded perfect for sealing damp areas. Hence, they are recommended to be used for sealing grout in showers.
On the other hand, membrane forming sealers coat the grout surface with a thin membrane to protect it from water. They contain a coloring agent that changes the grout color. It is widely used for sealing grout on floors. However this grout sealer is not suitable for bath or shower areas.
This is because it cannot resist heavy exposure to moisture, which is quite common in these areas. The moisture also gets trapped into this sealer, causing the growth of mildew. The main disadvantage of this product is that it does not bond well with the surface of glazed tiles.

Sealing Grout Instructions

Grout is sealed after new tile installation or repair. Before applying the sealer, you have to make sure that the grout has cured completely. So, how long is the recommended wait?
The drying time in most cases is nearly 48 hours. Still, it is advisable that you read the instructions provided by the grout manufacturer in this regard, and follow them accordingly.
The grout surface should be free from dirt and debris. If required, go for a grout cleaning with a mild dish washing detergent and water, and let the surface dry up thoroughly for the next 24 hours so that no moist residue is left behind. If water gets trapped under the sealer, then it can cause mildew in future.
The method of application for all types of grout sealers is more or less the same. Since the components of each product are different, you must read the label before starting the sealing job.
You can apply grout sealer with the help of a small paintbrush or sponge. Or else, use a sealer applicator bottle which has an applicator wheel on top. It is very easy to use. Just roll the wheel over the grout line and you are done with your job.
Apply the first coat of grout sealer along the tile border and let it dry up for an hour. While doing this job, you may find that some sealer gets on to the tile surface. Wipe it off with a clean rag as soon as possible. If it dries up, a cloudy haze will form on the tile which will look ugly, and will be difficult to remove.
Once the first coat has set properly, apply the second coat. In all, three coats of sealer need to be applied. Each coat should be applied only when the previous one is dry. Keep the grout untouched for the next 12 to 24 hours. Then put a few drops of water on the grout line. If you observe water beads, it clearly indicates that the grout is sealed properly. If not, then you have to apply one more coat of the sealer.
Sealing grout helps to increase the lifespan of the tiles and will keep them intact for many more years to come. However, you have to seal tile grout after a gap of every few years as its effects lasts for 2-3 years.