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Replacing Hot Water Heater Element

Saurabha Palekar
Your hot water heater may malfunction due to many reasons, one of which is a faulty heating element. It is easy to replace this unit. Let's see the instructions for replacing this unit.
The heating element, which is referred to as the thermocouple, is the most essential part of a water heater. It is the one which actually heats the water.
Sometimes, it may get damaged because of hard water, which contains mineral salts such as calcium and magnesium that limit the formation of lather with soap. Hard water reduces its efficiency. Usually, the lower element has a much greater buildup of calcium carbonate and other salts than the upper. Removing and replacing them is an easy job.
In most water heaters, there are two heating elements, one at the top and other one at the bottom of the heater. They never work simultaneously, as it would create an enormous drain on the electric supply. The one at the top, heats the water in the upper tank to a specified temperature. Then, the thermostat shifts the electric current to the lower one.

Replacement Strategy

First of all, make sure that the power supply is switched off. Stop the water supply. Drain the water present in the tank. Open the drain valve to remove the deposition or blockage. After that, follow these steps:
  • Remove the access panel and the cover panel. Use a screwdriver to expose the heating element and unscrew it in counterclockwise direction.
  • To check the working status of the thermocouple, test its resistance with a multimeter. Set the multimeter reading at X1000. Attach one lead to one of the screw terminals and the other to the heating element mounting screw.
  • Usually, for the one which is in a working condition, the reading comes as infinite. If the reading is anything other than infinity, you need to replace it. Test the other in the same manner to determine whether it needs to be replaced.
  • Unscrew the thermocouple terminals and unbolt them from the heater. Keep all the terminal screws and mounting bolts in a safe place, otherwise you might misplace them.
  • Replace the thermocouple in the reverse order. Also, replace the o-ring as it prevents leakage. Screw it in the clockwise direction.
  • Check if the drain valve is closed, before removing the hose. Now, open the water inlet valve again. Refill the tank. Turn on the power supply only after refilling is completed.
  • Replace the access panel and the cover panel. Turn on the breaker.
Some water heaters may have a single element, which will make your job easier. While purchase the heating element, buy the one with the same configuration and model so that there are no compatibility issues.