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Removing Vinyl Siding

Sonia Nair
Popular for its durability and comparatively cheaper prices, vinyl siding is also convenient to install and remove. Here are some tips for removal of this siding.
Vinyl siding may develop cracks during harsh weather conditions. In such cases, the damaged pieces need to be repaired or replaced. Removing vinyl siding is not a difficult task, and can be done successfully, using a zip tool. If you want to install new siding, you need to remove the existing ones.
You can remove the whole siding of a small house in a short timespan of two days. Removing vinyl siding is an easy, do-it-yourself project; but, professionals can also be hired, for this purpose. However, removing a few siding does not require much expertise.
All you need is a little understanding of the task, enough time, and some patience. Here are some tips to help you out.
  • Get a zip tool, without which, it would be difficult to remove the siding. You may also need a flat bar to remove the nails used for fixing the siding to the wall.
  • Identify the siding panels you want to remove, and mark them using a marker.
  • Start with the lower edge of the siding panel located above the damaged one (which you intend to remove).
  • Insert the zip tool, and slide it under the lower edge of the siding. Once the locking edge of the tool gets hooked to the siding, pull down the siding gently.
  • If you find it difficult to insert the zip tool, find a loose part of the siding. If there is no loose part, then you may move up one level.
  • This will open up the locking between the two siding - the damaged one and the one above it. As the panel above the damaged one becomes loose, you will be able to see the hem of the latter, which is attached to the wall using nails.
  • Before removing the vinyl siding (damaged one), you have to draw a line along its hem. You have to fix the new panel (in place of the damaged one) along this line.
  • Now it's time to remove the siding using a flat bar. Remove the nails used for attaching the panel to the wall.
  • Removal of the nails will loosen the panel, which has to be pulled down gently to get it unlocked from the one located below it. If there are channel moldings on both ends of the siding, then slide the siding for its removal.
This is how you can remove vinyl siding for repairing or replacing old and damaged panels. In case of replacement, you can use new siding in place of the removed one. However, if you want to reuse the panels, you have to be very careful while removing them. Old vinyl siding may break easily, and care must be taken to use the proper tool for siding removal.
To conclude, removing vinyl siding is not difficult. Some people approach professionals and pay a hefty sum for this simple task. You can do it for yourself and save your hard-earned money. However, you may seek professional help for removing the whole siding.