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Pumice Uses

Rujuta Borkar
Pumice has several uses that include household as well as other areas. Read on to know more.
Pumice is a volcanic rock―it is formed when the over heated and highly pressurized rock is thrown out with force from the volcano. The frothy lava then turns into a solidified rock and that is what forms the pumice.
This is formed due to simultaneous actions of rapid pressurization and cooling. It can be formed by mixing lava and water. Let's see its uses.

Uses of Pumice


  • Pumice is used to make lightweight concrete as well as breeze blocks that are of low density.
  • A finely grained version of pumice, called pozzolan, when mixed with lime, forms a smooth, lightweight, plaster-like concrete that can be used as an additive for cement.

Cosmetics and Household Items

Due to its abrasive properties, it is used in several products. These include:
  • Polishes
  • Pencil Erasers
  • Cosmetic exfoliants
  • To make stone wash jeans
  • Pumice stones

Varied Functions

Pumice stones have been used in beauty salons as well as as an integral part of our beauty routines at home. However, pumice uses do not stop there. Here are some other uses that you can look into.

Cleaning Deposits

A white enamel toilet bowl tends to collect mineral deposits over a period of time. This is especially so if the water that is supplied to you is hard water. There are ways on how to properly use a pumice stone to clean these mineral deposits. Let's see how:
  • Check your toilet bowl and you'll find that there will be hard water deposits on the inside of your toilet bowl, near the water line.
  • To remove the deposits, first turn the water supply off.
  • Flush the toilet to remove the water.
  • Taking the edge of the pumice stone, rub it on the deposits.
  • Do this for as long as it takes to remove the deposits. Depending on how long they have been there.
  • Once this is done, turn the water back on.
  • Flush to clean the toilet.

Removing Paint

A pumice stone (not the one from the bath) that is used as an essential tool in the household can be employed to remove rust from a hard metal surface. Let's see how.
  • Start off by wetting the stone.
  • Gently rub the edge, or even the entire stone, onto the rusted part in a back and forth motion.
  • Do this till you see bare metal.
  • Wipe the residue that has collected with a damp cloth.
  • Allow the metal to dry.
  • Apply a primer and a fresh coat of paint to the metal.

Curing Splinters

If you have a small splinter that is extremely painful and you don't know how to get it out, here's how―use a pumice stone. This is one of its more unknown uses.
  • Soak the skin in warm water so that the pores open out.
  • Then take the pumice stone and rub the splintered area in a circular motion.
  • Then dry off the skin and remove the splinter.

Removing Hair

You can use the pumice stone to remove hair. However, this is mainly employed for leg hair removal because legs are not as sensitive as the other areas on the body. It should only be used to eradicate leg growth.
  • Soap the legs into a frothy foam.
  • Take a pumice stone and gently rub the legs, one at a time, using circular motions.
  • Wash off the soap and moisturize immediately. This is done to prevent inflammation.

Smoothing Feet

This is one of the most common and well-known pumice uses. Using pumice stones to smooth the soles of feet. Here's how:
  • Soak your feet in hot soapy water to loosen the hard skin.
  • Do this for 10-20 minutes.
  • Then take your feet out from the tub and dab them till they are damp (not completely dry).
  • Take a pumice stone, dip it in water and begin to gently scrub the soles, toes, and heel areas of the feet in a back and forth motion.
  • Continue to do this till the skin dries and the action becomes difficult to complete.
  • Then dip the feet back into the water, dab them, and repeat.
  • Do this alternately to both the legs.
  • Vary the pressure and force that you apply according to what is tolerable for you. See that you don't scrub away too much skin in your enthusiasm. That can get painful.
  • Then, dry it completely.
  • Then taking a dry portion of the pumice stone, rub it back and forth to remove any traces of dry and loose hanging skin.
  • Moisturize well and cover the feet, if possible.
  • Repeat this entire process 2-3 times in a week and you'll have baby smooth feet by the end of it. Skin care is one of the most simplest and effective uses of pumice stones.
Pumice uses are varied and unique. More importantly, pumice in the form of stones is readily available and is very cheap. So go purchase a pumice stone today and take advantage of the various uses and benefits that it offers.