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Types of Plastic Storage Boxes

Pragya T
Plastic boxes are great for organizing and storing different kinds of items in the house. Let us discuss the different types of plastic boxes and their uses.
Plastic is a durable and hardy material and is a better option than metal or glass storage systems. Because glass items can fall down and break, while plastic can tolerate a lot of falls.
Using metal boxes is expensive, also they need to be cared for properly or corroding can occur. Today, there is a huge range of plastic boxes and containers available. You can practically store most of the household items using plastic containers.
Plastic containers like boxes and jars are ideal for kitchen use and as toy storage for children's room. With a little bit of color coding and labeling of these containers, finding different items will become easier and save a lot of time.

Types of Plastic Storage Containers

Small Boxes

Small boxes and jars are great for kitchen storage and garage storage. You can store leftovers or cut vegetables or meat items in these boxes.
Make sure you get the air-tight containers if you are going to use these boxes for kitchen. You can also use small boxes in garage to store small items like nuts, bolts, and other tools.

Boxes with Lids

Boxes with lids help to keep the item stored in a secure way. These boxes are good for storing fragile items like jewelry or small items like coins. Boxes with lids are great for storing food items as well or carrying snacks or lunch.
However, take care that the boxes for storing food items are heatproof and air tight. You can also use different colored lid boxes to help you organize items better.

Boxes with Hinged Lid

Many plastic boxes with hinged lids come with a clear base. These storage boxes are good when you are transporting stuff, as these lids allow easy access to store stuff.
Also, the hinged lids secure the items stored inside neatly. Many of these portable boxes come with handles, which makes carrying them easier.

Boxes with Dividers

Clear plastic large boxes with dividers are great for storing a group of different items. Use these boxes to store different colors of threads, buttons, needles; or different spices and herbs; or small garage items like nails, nuts, bolts, tapes, etc.

Open-fronted Boxes

These boxes are good for storing large seasonal items, you can use these boxes to store stuff like footwear. You can also get open top-fronted boxes for document storage, which you can use for storing your files and folders.

Seasonal Boxes

If you want to store seasonal items like Christmas decorations, or large items for gardening, then sterile seasonal plastic boxes of different sizes are available. These boxes come in different shapes like square, rectangular, and circular, so that you can fit in items of various shapes easily.

Plastic Box Organizer for Kids

If you are tired of seeing clutter in your kids' room, then go for a plastic box organizer for kids. These organizers contain boxes of different sizes stacked neatly in a large organizer.
The boxes in this organizer have rounded corners, which makes them safe for kids. Also, these boxes comes with different colors, so that kids can organize the clutter in the room easily.
You can also use labeling to help the kids organize toy clutter better. From small items like small car toys to large stuffed toys can be stored in this organizer.
Look online on different sites to buy these containers. Make sure you buy the boxes from a reputed supplier to ensure good quality of the plastic containers.