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Natural Mildew Remover

Sonia Nair
Natural remedies are always preferred to store-bought mildew removers that may sometimes contain harsh chemicals. Read on to know more about such natural remedies.
Mold and mildew are types of fungi that thrive mainly on damp surfaces. Apart from moisture, lack of sunlight, humid air and poor ventilation makes the condition favorable for their growth. So, they are commonly found on bathroom walls, shower curtains, windowsills and basements. There is a common misconception that both mold and mildew are the same.
In fact, they are different and can be hardly distinguished by a layman. These fungi are said to be distinguished with their color. While molds can be seen in colors that may include shades of black, blue, green and red, mildew is often found in hues of gray and white.
Apart from being unsightly, growth of mold and mildew can produce an offending odor too. When exposed to these fungi, some people may develop allergic reactions like asthma, headaches, cough and irritation of the eyes and throat. So you must take immediate steps to get rid of mold and mildew, as soon as you notice them in your house.
This can be done with commercial products or homemade ones. You may also seek professional help for removing mold and mildew.

Home Remedies for Mildew Removal

As mentioned before, you may hire professionals for removing mildew growth in your home. But, if you want to do this task on your own, there are two options. You may either use homemade natural mildew removers or the commercial ones. While commercial mildew removers are easily available, they may contain harsh chemicals.
By using natural ones, you are not exposed to such chemicals, at the same time, you can save some money too.


Vinegar (white vinegar) is one of the cheapest and easily available materials that can be used as a mildew remover. You may either use it as such or in combination with equal amount of water. The acidic nature of vinegar is said to fight mildew.

Tea Tree Oil

Another effective natural mildew remover is tea tree oil. It is said that this essential oil has antibacterial properties and so is useful in eliminating mildew. Usually, diluted form of tea tree oil (2 teaspoons oil for 2 cups of water) is used for mildew removal.

Baking Soda

You may also try baking soda as a mildew removing agent.
All you have to do is to make a paste of baking soda with sufficient water and apply the mixture on affected surfaces. Let it sit for some time, before scrubbing and wiping/washing.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Some people use grapefruit seed extract for this purpose. You can prepare a mildew removal spray by mixing two cups water with 20 to 25 drops of this extract. Make sure to shake well before use.
These are some of the commonly used materials for getting rid of mildew. Even hydrogen peroxide can be used for this purpose. Mix a cup of water with half a cup of hydrogen peroxide and spray this mixture on surfaces with mildew growth. Another natural mildew remover is citrus seed extract that has to be diluted before use.
Add twenty drops of this extract to two cups of water and blend well before use. You may also try a mixture of vinegar and tea tree oil. Mix a cup of white vinegar with around 20 to 25 drops of tea tree oil for making a mildew removal solution.

How to Clean Mildew

Before starting with mildew removal, you must be aware of the fact that the right of mildew remover may vary with different surfaces. You are not supposed to remove mildew on clothes, walls and wood with the same product. If a material has been badly affected with mildew, then think about getting rid of it.
In case of washable fabric, remove the mildew with a brush and rinse the fabric in hot water mixed with white vinegar or lemon juice. Wash the cloth after some time, with detergent. Dry wash apparel that are not washable. Even perborate bleach can be used as mildew remover for clothing. In such cases, test an inconspicuous part of the fabric, beforehand.
If you are looking for a mildew remover for wood, then, you may try white vinegar. In case of wooden furniture, wipe away the mildew with a damp cloth and scrub the area with a solution of white vinegar (1 cup) and laundry detergent (½ cup).
For interior wooden surfaces, you may opt for a mixture of washing soda (8 tablespoons) with a gallon of water. In case of exterior wooden surfaces, mix a quart of chlorine bleach with an ounce of detergent and three quarts water. Bleach can be an effective mildew remover for shower too.
You may also try tea tree oil solution or white vinegar for this purpose. These remedies are also effective in removing mildew from ceramic tiles and other such surfaces.
In short, natural mildew removers can be effective in removing mildew growth in your house. However, you have to take into consideration, the type of surface or the nature of material on which you are going to apply the mildew remover.
It will be better to test the solution on some inconspicuous spot, beforehand. This way you can also check the effectiveness of the product. You can prevent growth of mildew in your house by providing proper ventilation and proper moisture and humidity control.