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How to Get Rid of Moth Infestation

Lalan Maliakal
Moths can create havoc in your household and their infestation is commonly known to ruin closets and pantry. Take control of the situation and read further to know how to get rid of it.
It can be quite an unsettling experience to see your favorite expensive woolen sweater, ruthlessly chewed upon by creepy crawling creatures. If that wasn't bad enough, your breakfast cereal has an uninvited visitor floating in the bowl.
There are two types of infestation: one that invades clothes and fabrics, and the other whose larvae infest dry food such as flour, cereal, and cornmeal. Dealing with moth infestation is easy when you are aware of what they eat and the various control techniques involved in eliminating them.


The moths lay eggs on any animal-based fabric like wool, fur, hair, and feathers. Once the eggs are hatched, the larvae thrives on the material by chewing it up, to make irregular holes in garments and carpets.
The first step is to locate the source of infestation. If you dig into your closet to find holes in your woolen wear, that's a first indication that moths have been there. Other indicators are the presence of adult moths, maggot-like larvae, dried silken tubes or cases, and droppings. Once you discover the signs, act quickly by finding ways to eliminate it.

How to get rid of moths?

The first step is to clean the infested area with soap water. Vacuum clean the place to remove eggs or larvae and dispose them immediately. Wash the clothes with warm water.
You can also freeze or dry clean to kill moths, eggs or larvae present on the clothes. This also eliminates chances of re-infestation. Clothes can be stored for a long time, by placing them in an air tight container using moth balls or cedar chips. Clothes that are often used can be placed in the closet.

Gadgets that will help in purging moths

Other than these techniques, there are various other gadgets used in controlling this menace. Relative humidity of 70-80% breeds moths. Use a dehumidifier to prevent them from breeding. High-pressure sodium lights are excellent to keep it out of your house. It is proven that high-pressure sodium lights repulse pests like moths.
Did you know that cedar closets are known to provide a long-term respite against the annoying aforementioned problem? Yes, the fragrance emanated from the cedarwood is known to repel moths.


Moths, which are found swarming around the kitchen, are called Indian meal moth. If you see an adult moth fluttering in your kitchen area, beware. They lay eggs on the dried and stored foods like grains, cereals, nuts, and dry fruits. The larvae chew up the surface and form a web around these food.
The key to successful elimination in the pantry is to locate the source. The other signs are webbing in the corners, grains held together by sticky secretion, and small holes in the containers.

How to keep moths away from the pantry

Cleaning the infested areas and scrubbing them with soap water is essential to wash away the eggs and larvae. Vacuum clean the cupboard and the shelves by paying close attention to every hole and corner. Dispose off all dry and even unpacked food. If you are not ruthless in throwing off food, the larvae will spread and it will be difficult to control them.
Dry food has to be stored properly in clean, airtight containers. Foods that are not opened and are used less frequently can be stored in the refrigerator. For effective moth control, use a pheromone trap in the kitchen. The smell attracts them and once they land on the sticky surface, they are trapped.
By following these simple techniques, destruction of clothes and foods can be prevented. If these don't help, then it is time to call the pest control team.