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How to Repair a Leather Sofa

Bidisha Mukherjee
If you have a repair kit, then repairing a leather sofa is very easy. We give you instructions on the process, so that you can repair your sofa at home.
A leather sofa is an asset for your interiors. It has several advantages for which more and more people like to make such a huge investment for this piece of furniture. It is comfortable and can last for several years. It is easy to clean and does not require much maintenance. 
Most importantly, its stylish appearance can enhance the look of the interior designing of the house. If the leather sofa gets damaged, do not get upset, as it can be repaired easily.
Most of the time, cracks, tears, holes or scratches are the common forms of damage found on leather sofas. These damages can be fixed with the help of a leather repair kit which is available at local furniture stores. These kits contain all kinds of solutions for leather cleaning and repair, adhesives, and tools that are needed for the repair job.

Preparing the Surface

No matter what kind of damage your leather sofa has sustained, the first thing that needs to be done is to prepare the surface. The leather used for manufacturing the sofa has a protective coating on its surface in order to make it last longer.
Preparation work mainly involves removal of this coat and cleaning the dirt and grime from the leather. For this purpose, use the cleaning solution which you get in the kit, to remove the dirt and coat. 
Otherwise, you can use fine sandpaper to clean the leather coat. Dip a cotton ball in alcohol and rub it on the sanded area with a gentle hand. The damaged edges of the leather often tend to get curled up in the outward direction. These edges have to be trimmed with a pair of scissors to get a smooth finish at the end.

Repairing Scratches on Leather Sofa

Scratches and cracks are considered as minor forms of damage. This kind of sofa repair is done with the help of the leather filler found in the kit. Take some filler on a palette knife and apply it over the scratched or cracked area in such a way that the dent gets totally covered up.
Let the filler dry and then sand the area with sandpaper to make the rough edges of the filler even. There is one scratch repair solution in the kit which is then applied with the help of a scratch-repair cloth. It should be left untouched overnight for thorough drying. Next day, clean the area with the cleaner and then seal the area with the protector.

Repairing Cracks and Holes

This involves use of a leather patch to cover the hole. Most times, manufactures provide a spare piece of leather and is usually attached below the sofa. You can use this piece for your patch work. Measure the size of the hole or crack and cut the leather patch half inch larger than what actually is required.
Insert the patch into the hole in such a way that it goes beneath the hole. Now take some adhesive and apply it over the underside of the edge and press it so that the patch sticks well with the rest of the leather. The adhesive will require a few hours to dry completely. Then, sand the area with a gentle hand to smooth up any rough edges of the adhesive.
If the color of the patch is different from the color of the sofa, then you can use a dye of suitable color that matches well with the rest of the area. Finally, use the protective coat to seal the repaired area.
You need to have a good amount of patience to carry out the task. When extensive damage is caused to the leather furniture, it is advisable to hire a professional.