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How to Repair Shower Faucet

Pragya T
This information will serve as a guide with stepwise instructions on how to repair a shower faucet. Read on...
Learning to repair shower faucets is a job which requires patience and basic plumbing tools. But by performing faucet repair yourself, you will be able to save the charges you will incur by calling a plumber.
Many times faucets start making noise or start leaking. If the inside parts of the faucet are completely corroded or worn out then you might need to replace them with new parts, which you can find in a hardware store. However, if they are just dirty, then you can clean them up and put them back in place for noisy or leaky shower faucet repair.

Structure of a Shower Faucet

Before jumping to the repairing tutorial, let us understand what all basic parts a shower faucet is composed of. There are around 6 parts which you will need to take out for faucet repair. The top part called the cap is a disc and then there is a small handle screw.
These two parts are inside the handle of the faucet. Under this is the stem which has threads attached to it. The stem is a long cylindrical shaped body, which attaches to the upper faucet and bottom faucet parts together.
Then there is a small hollow disc attached to the stem, which is just like a nut, except it is smooth and circular in shape. Then finally at the bottom end is the washer screw. Now that you understand the basic structure of the shower faucet, it is time to take out these parts.

Stepwise Instructions

There are basically two types of faucets which are used - the compression or cartridge faucet and the washerless faucets. Follow the steps given hereĀ for repairing shower faucets.
Step 1: The first step is to turn off the water. Use a nail filer (even the back of the spoon can be used) and pop off the cap on the handle of the faucet and place it in on a tray.
Step 2: Then take out the screw and pull out the handle; some handles might just pop out after using the nail filer, while some might need to be unscrewed and taken out. Place the screw and handle next to the cap. Make sure you arrange everything in the same order that you are taking them out so that you are able to replace them properly again.
Step 3: Now take out the stem and check if the threads (circular angled discs on the stem) are corroded or worn out. If they are really bad and beyond repair then take it to the hardware store to find a matching part; or clean-up the stem with an old brush, if it's just dirty.
Step 4: Remove the washer and screw attached under the stem and check their condition. Clean them if they are dirty, and replace or get new identical parts from the hardware store if they are spoiled. If you have a cartridge type of faucet, then you might have to consider replacing the cartridge with a new one or clean the cartridge, in case it's just dirty.
Step 5: Before replacing the parts in their original position, take a soft rag and remove the dirt inside the valve. You can also insert a toothbrush to clean the valve.

Step 6: Now, replace the cleaned or new parts back again and set the handle, screw, and cap back in the order. Check for any leaks or noise and then turn on the water.
These were the instructions on repairing shower faucets, which you can do yourself at home. If the faucet is still not working properly, then consider hiring a plumber.