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How Can you Automate your Home

Priyanka Kosta Sonkushre
Home automation is a step towards building a smart home. If you are interested in exploring this feature, here is a post telling you about it and what can be done to achieve a smart home.
Smart homes are the need of the future and a step towards building a smart home has already been taken. Technology advancement has made it possible to teach your home to control activities going on in the house with the help of a computer, software, and modular hardware.
Home automation is achieved by integrating various devices at home by the help of automation software to carry out regular activities without being handled manually. Automating your home not only provides the luxury of extreme convenience, it also benefits in terms of energy-saving, security, and remote access to your home.

Areas of Home Automation

This feature can be used to handle almost every device that uses electricity for functioning. Let's see what all can be automated in a house for the ease of handling.


Integration of home security systems through this feature gives you the advantage of keeping an eye on your house even when you are far away. Automation allows you to view your house through security cameras by accessing Internet from a remote location.


Automating lighting system of the house saves a lot of electricity. People, specially children, have the habit of not turning the lights off before leaving a room. Automation provides for automatic turn off and on of lights when people leave or enter the room thereby, saving a lot of money and energy.

HVAC System

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning system in a house requires manual temperature and humidity control. Automating this system will allow the owner to control the system even when he is not at home and regulate environmental controls of humidity and temperature.

Audio-Video System

Audio and video systems at home can be switched on and off from anywhere in the house. Automation also allows distribution of audio and video sources to different rooms.

Home Appliances

Appliances like coffee maker, garage door, sump pump, etc., can be automated and handled from a remote place. You don't have to worry even if you forget to turn off your coffee maker. You can always switch it off even if you have left home for work!

Steps to Automate Your Home

After realizing the benefits of automation, I am sure you would want to know how it can be done to enjoy the convenience and other benefits. Go through the steps to learn how to go about it.

Make a Plan

It is very important to plan out before automating your house because a small start may end up getting large.
Therefore, plan ahead and set objectives according to your requirements. Whether you want a simple automation or complicated ones for your house, think about it. Also set your budget for the same because convenience is not free of charge these days.

Decide on Automation Standard

Home automation standards available are X10, Insteon, Z-Wave and Zigbee. X10 is cheaper than Insteon which provides more data for the system. Automation systems require wireless or wired communication medium so, make a wise choice beforehand.

Decide on Software

Some software have less learning ability, while there are others who provide with limited functions. It is advisable to get a software that is capable of gathering all kinds of data to use in the automation system even though it is a bit more expensive. Choosing a software that does not meet your needs will not serve the purpose.

Set an Automation Computer

Some software need the automation computer to run day and night. So set up the computer, install the software, and then attach the automation standard.

Go for Phase-wise Installation

Installing automation system in the house in a big way may lead to complications which might be difficult to handle. To handle troubleshooting easily, try installing it in phases. This will let you concentrate in that part of the house and help in solving installation issues in a better way.

Install Automation Modules

Automation modules help in automating particular devices in the house. For example, a lamp module is used to automate lights, an appliance module is used for an electrical appliance, and a universal module can be used for a garage door. So, depending on what you what to automate, install its respective module and enjoy the benefits of home automation.
The cost of automating your home may vary depending on its complexity. Decide on your requirements and set your budget to avoid any confusion. Home automation is not a common feature in today's homes, but with changing times, it will surely become a necessity for every home so as to make living even more comfortable and secure.