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Things to Consider Before Choosing a Firewood Storage

Mamta Mule
Planning to have a firewood storage? Confused about choosing the best alternative? Here are some tips to help you have a perfect storage.
Storing firewood in a proper way is very important. But often organizing the same in the right place can become a tough task. You might require to come up with a proper storage solution to place the firewood.
Remember that proper storage can not only help you have a space that looks well-organized, but it will mainly help you maintain the quality of wood and get a better wood burning experience. What is essential when you plan indoor or outdoor firewood storage is basically designing a space that keeps the firewood dry.

Things To Consider

Before you choose one of the best firewood racks or storage shed plans, it is essential to know the basic things that make a good storage for firewood. While you look for the best solutions, it is important to choose a place that is near your home. If you are building an outdoor shed which is at the end of your backyard, quite far from the fireplace, then carrying the firewood from there till this fireplace during snowfall or rains might become a tough job.
The next thing that you must not forget is that the firewood must not be placed on the ground. As the pieces left on the ground might eventually rot, you must try to place them off the ground. Racks, tiles or various other options can be considered to keep firewood off the ground.
Many people who do not have proper sheds for storing firewood often use plastic sheets for covering them. While wrapping firewood with plastic sheets the common mistake many make is covering it completely, from all the sides. So this will cut off the air circulation and moisture will get trapped inside, leading to damp firewood!
This might further rot the firewood. Proper air circulation is of prime importance while storing firewood. Even if you decide to wrap them in plastic sheets, it is best to keep the firewood open from two sides. This will help air circulation and keep the firewood in a good condition.

Options Available

You can consider one of the various options for storing firewood. For outdoor storage having a simple shed is the best idea. You can have a closed shed or one closed from three sides. Another idea is to have the storage racks placed in your rooms, next to the fireplace.
You can choose from decorative racks or stacker that not only hold firewood but also add a designer element to your interiors. Another idea is to have the arrangement made around your fireplace mantel. You can have built-in storage in the wall besides the fireplace.
If your fireplace is above ground level, you can make space to store firewood below the fireplace mantel. Believe me, firewood stored in this way looks extremely awesome and helps play up the decor in a unique way. Next, consider large wicker boxes or large wooden boxes to store firewood inside your home.
While these can't hold the entire stock, you can simply bring some pieces and place it in your home in these boxes. This way you always have a stock handy for getting it from outdoor shed. Make sure you buy medium-sized firewood carts or carriers that are available in various shapes, sizes and materials.
Building a storage shed is definitely a good idea to store a huge stock of firewood in good condition. Make sure that you have carriers or carts when you plan outdoor storage for carrying the pieces comfortably till the fireplace. Well, your options are plenty and all you need to do is explore the available options and choose the best piece.