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Faucet Handle Repair

Suketu Mehta
Faucet handle problems mostly call for a replacement. This story provides step-by-step instructions to replace a faucet handle in your bathroom as well as your shower.
Faucets are valves which control the release of liquids and are found in every household. They are commonly installed in kitchen sinks, bathtubs, and showers to help you control the water flow. The faucet handle is a part which helps you operate it without having to turn the actual valve. Bathroom faucet handles are subject to frequent use and high levels of humidity, thereby rendering them vulnerable to cracking or discoloration. This calls for a bathroom repair job to replace the faulty faucet with a new one.

Bathroom Faucet Repair Instructions

Step 1

Take out the handle's center cover, also known as its screw cover. This cover is more like a decorative part which hides the handles retaining the screw beneath. Use a flathead screwdriver, and pry the cover gently so that it pops out.

Step 2

Once you have access to the handle's retaining screw, remove it. This screw holds the handle on the faucet. Use a head screwdriver and twist it in an anticlockwise direction so that it comes off.

Step 3

Gently pull the handle towards you to remove it from the valve. The new handle needs to the glided over the faucet's stem.

Step 4

After the replacement handle is in place, attach the retaining screw back to its position to fix the handle on the faucet. With help of a screwdriver, tighten this screw.

Step 5

Lastly, you need to fix the handle cap back onto the handle in its position. Keep the cap on the handle's center and press it down slowly until you hear a clicking sound.

Shower Faucet Repair Instructions

Shower handle problems are similar to all other common faucet handle issues. They require replacement either when they become old or start leaking. You can either replace the entire handle or simply replace the rubber gasket in the assembly, depending on your problem.

Step 1

To start with, turn off the water supply to the bathtub or shower. Also, turn the faucet on so that any water present in the pipes drains away.

Step 2

Use a screwdriver and slowly pry out the handle cover on the shower faucet handle. You will find the retaining screw beneath the shower handle cover. Remove this screw as well. Now pull the faucet off its stem so that you can see the shower head assembly.

Step 3

Carefully check the inside areas of the shower head. Black residue is an indicator that the gasket needs replacement. Use a screwdriver to take the rubber gasket out.

Step 4

Take a damp piece of cloth and clean the interior of the shower head of any remaining residue. If there is any lime accumulation on the head assembly, use a strong lime removal product to clean the area.

Step 5

The new gasket ring needs to be placed inside the shower head. Take the existing handle or a new one, and fix it back in position by inserting the retaining screw on the handle. Tighten the screw and put back the handle cover.
Repair jobs are easier than you think. They are not time-consuming at all and you can save some money, which would have otherwise gone to a plumber. In case of replacement, remember to buy good quality and matching parts for your faucet.