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Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

Kulbhushaan Raghuvanshi
Want to cut down on your electricity bill and use light bulbs that last longer? You might want to consider replacing your current light bulbs with energy efficient ones. More on this here ...
Typically, light bulbs contribute to 50% of your electricity bill. Most people try to save electricity by religiously switching off their electric bulbs, when not in use. Though this is a good practice, it won't affect your bills drastically.
Non-profit organizations all over the world are educating people with the benefits of energy efficiency. A crucial step in saving energy is by using only energy efficient ones. Let's see what these bulbs are all about.

Power Saving LED Light Bulbs

LED (Light Emitting Diode) bulbs are solid light bulbs which have proven to be very helpful in saving electricity. These have just been introduced in the market and have created a stir already.
They are made using as many as 180 bulbs per cluster, which ensures more light spread. The only problem with LED lights is the high cost of each bulb; however, researchers from all over the world are working on a process which involves the use of silicon wafers. If this technology proves effective, LEDs can become a standard for more lighting needs.

Power Saving Flood Light Bulbs

Energy efficient flood light bulbs might be useful in places where other light bulbs fail. These flood lights come with an extended life version, which can last up to 30,000 hours. They are excellent for walls and areas where there is more space. Also, they are available in various shapes and colors.


Replacing normal light bulbs with power saving ones is not only good for the planet, but also for you. You can save up to $15 per year on each bulb. Energy saving light bulbs contain small quantities of mercury, which does not pose a threat to consumers, as it is sealed.
However, mercury is a toxic metal and should be handled with care. You should dispose these bulbs with care and clean up broken pieces, if any. Recycling is the best and most effective way of disposing these bulbs. Hospitals and big companies hire recycling companies to collect these bulbs.

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There's a chemical clean out program held in various cities of the United States―called the Cleanout―which is held by the Department of Environment and Climate Change.
Some Facts
  • Power saving light bulbs are available in many patterns, designs, and types.
  • They last 10 times longer than normal bulbs and use very less power.
  • They use 1/3 the electricity and last longer than traditional light bulbs.
  • Replacing a normal light bulb with a energy saving bulb will keep half a ton of CO2 out of the atmosphere.
  • They don't flicker and hum like normal bulb lights.
If you still haven't switched to energy efficient light bulbs, it is time to do it. You are not only saving the environment, but also your hard-earned money.