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How to Clean a Down Comforter at Home

Sheetal Mandora
Owing to their enormous length and thickness, down comforters can be very frustrating to clean. Due to regular wear and tear, they often lose their fluff and look sagging and thin. But, with some extra care and a different approach, you can make your bed linen spic and span.
When it comes to cleaning a down comforter, many people are confused between taking the task into their own hands and getting it dry cleaned professionally. Your thick, fluffy quilt is filled with geese or duck feathers making it soft and warm.
Ideally, it is advised to have your bedding laundered every 3 to 5 years. But the option of cleaning it can be completely up to you. It is true that home washers and dryers are too small to get the job done as efficiently as possible, you can still, for the time being, clean them at home.

Before You Clean It

First and foremost, you need to read the label on the comforter. This should provide you exact information on how to clean the comforter the right way. If it strictly mentions not to use the home washers, then don't take any risks of cleaning it on your own.

At-home Cleaning Instructions

If you don't wish to spend a lot on professional cleaners, then maybe we can be of some help. With a few essential items and simple instructions, you can easily clean it in a jiffy. All you require is a washer and dryer (at your home or laundromat) and this task can be done with ease.
✒ Since comforters come in different sizes, your home washer and dryer may not be a suitable candidate. In such a case, go to your nearest laundromat.
✒ See if there aren't any tears or openings in the seam. If you place a ripped comforter inside a washer, it will damage the fabric. So if there are any tears visible to you, sew it up and close the seam so that you won't damage it any further.
✒ Always use a mild detergent and place it in a top load washer. Let the water mix completely with the detergent before you place the comforter in. Set the washer to an extra rinsing cycle so that the detergent is washed out properly, and there isn't too much water left at the end.
✒ Before you put the comforter inside the dryer, put clean tennis balls inside a pair of clean white socks. This technique keeps the comforter from moving around too much, and limiting the occurrence of lumps.
✒ You may have to do two cycles in the dryer in order to get it completely dry. If you don't want to run another cycle, bring it home and place it in your backyard or porch to dry in the sun.
To keep the comforter fresh and looking new, cover it with another washable cover. This way, you won't have to wash it too often. The cover can work as a protective layer, and keep dirt, body oils, and grime away.