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Convection Oven Vs. Conventional Oven

Medha Godbole
There is not a major difference between the convection and the conventional oven, but if you were wondering where and how they score over each other, tap to take a look.
With our modern lives on a fast track, our habits, right from cooking, eating, recreation, to name a few, have undergone a sea of change; we want everything on the go, don't we? We do not have a lot of free time to spare from our busy schedule, so what do we do?
We use ovens, washing machines, dish washers, iPods, (who has the time to play a CD?!), vacuum cleaners and god knows what else, in order to make our tasks simpler. We have a variety of options for each appliance from which we can choose one that best suits our individual needs and lifestyle, and feel blessed that we are so spoiled for choice.
Kitchen appliances don't fall far behind when it comes to offering choices. One popular instance is the ever-existing and major confusion between a convection oven and a conventional oven, so much so that it brings us to the point where we can't help but wonder, what is really the deal about these particular ovens? Let's check out the differences between the two.

Point #1

Convection ovens work with the help of a fan that continuously circulates hot air through the oven cavity. This circulating air insulates the food, instead of just surrounding it, which cooks it faster. A conventional oven, on the other hand, is fueled by gas and electricity, has no air continuously circulating on the inside, and is comparatively slower.

Point #2

When it comes to cooking there is no significant difference between the two ovens. Conventional ovens use direct heat for cooking, while convection ones cook food with air that circulates heat, which is basically indirect heat. Usually, both types can be used to make everything from roasted dishes to cakes and soufflés.
Though many people prefer using the former type for baking and making other food items, cooks have been known to turn to convection ovens when they need to make something in a larger quantity.

Point #3

This is one point where the disadvantages of a conventional oven become apparent. Choosing the right kind of pots and pans when using it is very important as the wrong ones can interrupt the heat circulation in the oven, further leading to uneven cooking. Convection ovens, on the other hand are faster and more efficient as they can also cook well at a low temperature, and which is probably why they remain the preferred choice of a majority of chefs.

Point #4

Both types have their own benefits and unique selling points. One of the major advantages of a convection oven is that it is possible to cook many dissimilar dishes at the same time without worrying about any item losing its individual taste and flavor. Conventional ovens do not offer this benefit, but are better for broiling as compared to the formerly mentioned type.
Both types of ovens have their own unique traits as well as different ways of preparing food. It is ultimately up to the chef, cook, or homemaker to decide which one fits his/her bill perfectly.