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Cleaning a Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink

The kitchen sink is one of the most used appliances in your home. So, you need to do regular cleaning to keep the hygiene.

1. Remove Everything from the Sink Surface

Check there are no dirty dishes, food wastes, or anything in the sink before start cleaning. Also, remove the kitchen sink drain stopper for a thorough cleaning as well.

2. Clean the Surface of the Kitchen Sink

Grab a sponge with soapy hot water to rinse the faucet, drain, and rims on a regular basis. Do it right after washing dirty dishes or so.

3. Run Hot Water through Sink Drain

If there is anything gummy material into the sink, it can be the next reason for clogging. So, pour hot water into the pipes several times a week can save you such an awkward situation.

4. Make a Mixer for the sink surface

Take 1 tablespoon baking soda (Eco-friendly cleaner) that can diminish dirt and grease and mix it in 1/4 cup of lemon juice to run it over the surface. Let it stand at least 10 min before washing with hot water. It's better to try once a week.

5. Create another Blend for the Sink Drain

Blend 1/4 cup of lemon water with 1/2 cup of baking soda and run the mixer through the drain directly. Now pour 1/2 cup of vinegar as well and wait for around 10 minutes. Last of all, flow boiled water into the drain. It will break all gunk and gooey elements inside the drain.

6. Polish the Sink with Flour

Take a towel and make the sink totally dry. Spread flours inside the sink surface and polish the stainless steel slowly using another dry towel. You may do it several times until satisfied with the shining.

Extra Tips and Warnings!!!

  • Try an SOS pad with baking soda and lemon mixer and scrub in circles to get back the shine of your stainless steel kitchen sink
  • Never pour fatty hot liquids, grease, or chicken fat that can be the reason for a serious clogging.