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How to Build an Ozone Generator at Home

Bhakti Satalkar
The depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere is due to the continual usage of various appliances that emit chlorofluorocarbons. Hence, many people have taken up the task of creating an ozone generator at home itself.
But before we create the ozone generator, let's take into account that it uses high electric power. Therefore, utmost care should be taken while dealing with the generator.
Ozone (O3) is present in the stratospheric layer of the Earth's atmosphere. It is a colorless gas and is corrosive in nature. The ozone layer protects the Earth from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. These ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer, various eye diseases, etc.
Studies have suggested that, every 1% depletion of the ozone layer, increases the exposure of the Earth to ultraviolet rays by 2%. Therefore, many countries have come together and agreed to something called the 'Montreal Protocol'. This protocol talks about reducing the usage or making of chemicals which cause harm to the ozone layer.
It is seen that a number of people have taken to generating ozone at home to address the ozone depletion issue. Other than the environmental issues, ozone may also be generated at home to combat certain bacteria, mildew, and fungus growing in different parts of the house, which are often responsible for malodor.
Whatever the reason, when one wants to build an ozone generator at home, there are various methods which can used. Here, let us take a look at the simplest method.

Steps to Build an Ozone Generator

Materials Required:

Transformer with power ranging from 3000v to 7500v.
2 glass jars (one small, one large. The small jar should fit well in the large jar.)
Copper, brass, aluminum scrap foil or used razor blades
Wooden board, to mount the transformer
Wires or cords
High temperature glue gun
Alligator clips

Step 1

Put the copper, brass, or aluminum scrap that you have, in the small glass jar. Care should be taken that the base of the jar is completely covered with the foil. Similarly, foil the large jar as well. When using foil, fold the foil multiple times and then place it at the bottom of the jar.

Step 2

Place the small jar inside the big jar. Stick the two jars with glue. In case you do not have a glue gun, be careful while choosing the jars; the small jar should fit into the large jar snugly. The large jar is used as an insulating agent.

Step 3

Place the jars on the wooden board. The transformer should also be placed next to the jars on the wooden board. The alligator clips should be attached to both end of the wires. Now plug the alligator clips to the end of the transformer lead.
This should be followed by attaching the next clip to the aluminum foil inside the larger jar and the other clip should be attached to the foil in the smaller jar. In other words, one end of both the wires should be attached to the transformer, while the other ends should be inside large and small jar respectively.
Care should be taken to ensure that the two wires that connect inside the larger and the smaller jar do not come in contact with each other, as they may spark.

Step 4

Fasten the set up on the wooden board, so that the entire device is well insulated. If a wooden board is not available, any other insulator can also be used. The transformer can now be plugged in safely.
There are certain indicators which can be of help to know whether the homemade ozone generator is working as expected. The indicators are:
  • When you plug the generator in, there is a possibility of a crackling noise. If there is indeed a crackling noise, then it means that the device is working properly.
  • If the generator is placed in a dark room, a purple or a blue emission is seen from the jar. Then the ozone can be smelled immediately.
  • In case a yellow glow is emitted, it's an indicator that the glass is broken. In that case you will have to replace the glass jar. For doing so, unplug the transformer first, and then replace the glass jar.
Ozone can also be used as a deodorizer. It is beneficial to humans, animals, and plants alike. It can be used to kill bacteria in the house. But overexposure to ozone can be dangerous.
Therefore, care should be taken to ensure one does not leave the ozone generator on while sleeping. The ozone generator should not be used in humid areas, as its reaction with metals can lead to metal corrosion.