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Useful Tips on Beehive Removal

Sonia Nair
Removal of beehive is a task which is often handled by professionals, who have a good knowledge and experience in this domain. Here are some tips to remove a beehive on your own.
Bees are insects that are closely related to ants and wasps, and are present in almost all continents, except Antarctica. There are around 20,000 species of bees, which are spread across the globe. These flying insects play the role of pollinators in every ecosystem, which has flowering plants.
Apart from pollination, bees are also known for making honey and beeswax. However, bee stings are dreaded, and so the sight of a beehive near the house or in the surroundings is a cause for panic. Bee stings can cause swelling and itching for a few days.
Some people may develop allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock, which is a life-threatening condition. It is believed that, bees do not attack, unless they are irritated or disturbed. It is always better to remove beehives from residential areas or houses.

Preparations for Beehive Removal

Natural beehives, which are also known as nests, are enclosed structures in which bees live, store honey, and raise their young ones. These beehives consist of densely packed hexagonal cells made of beeswax.
Usually, bees make their nest in any enclosed empty space; like the hollow of a tree, an opening or a wide crack in the walls, ceilings, and foundation of buildings. Such beehives may pose a threat to the people living in the building.
So beehive removal is the solution to this problem. You may remove the beehive on your own, or seek professional help. Here are some tips to remove a beehive on your own.
  • If you are a person with allergies, it is better to avoid this venture. Even though, bee stings can cause reactions, like swelling and itching in normal people; it can be fatal for those with allergies.
  • If you notice bees swarming a particular area, try to locate the nest. As bees are diurnal insects, it is better to do this task early in the morning before sunrise, or late in the evening. Check areas, like chimneys, attics, wall crevices, trash cans, and tree trunks.
  • Fix the timing for beehive removal. Early morning, late afternoon, or evening are best for removing beehives. It is also said that, the population in the beehive will be very low, during late winter and early spring. You may remove the beehive during those seasons.
  • You must have a good insecticide to kill the bees. Experts recommend insecticide dust for this purpose.
  • Once you are ready for the task, wear protective clothing. It is better to use light-colored clothes with a smooth texture. You must also wear leather gloves and a beekeeper's veil. Don't use any perfumes, deodorants or any scented product on your body.

How to Remove a Beehive

In order to remove a beehive, you have to spray a thick coat of insecticide over it, especially in the opening. Some bees may come out of the hive, so keep a safe distance. You may have to repeat the application of insecticide, so as to eliminate them.
You may wait for a day to remove and destroy the beehive; or else, you can do it on the same day itself. Remove the beehive and burn it. If you cannot burn the hive, put it in a trash bag, tie tightly and dispose it.
Once the beehive is removed, clean the area with soap water. Seal the crevices and openings, to avoid further bee infestation. However, make sure of the safety measures, so that you are protected from the dreaded bee stings.