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6 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Home Secured Against Burglars

Matt Thompson
Keeping your house safe is essential. After all, this is where you spend most of your time. Surely, you would want to keep it safe from thieves while you are asleep or away from home. Not only your property, though, as you would wish your family to be safe at all times, even when you’re not around.
If you have done your research, there are a lot of things that you can do to keep yourself, your valuables, and your family protected from harm. Nowadays, installing a security system is the best way to keep away burglars. If you check out installation process, you’ll see how it is also useful to do some things on your own for added measure.

Secure the Doors

There are cases when people forget to lock their doors, and burglars just stroll in the front door like it’s nothing. Don’t let this happen to you. To avoid this, always lock all of your exterior doors before you sleep. But there are times when we can be forgetful. In times like this, it is always a good idea to put on another lock just for good measure.
There are also other things you can do, like installing a deadbolt or a smart lock. If that’s not enough, you can also connect a video doorbell to have a look at the person at your door.
However, if you have sliding doors, you can use the window bar in the track to avoid the door from breaking. For added protection, you can install a door sensor or a glass break sensor to notify you when an intruder is trying to break the door. Also, it will ring when someone is trying to break in; this will scare away thieves.

Get to Know Your Neighbors

Knowing your neighbors well is always a good idea. This is true, especially if you want to protect your home. But why is this important? When you are in good terms with your neighbors, you can trade favors with them.
Keeping your house safe when you are out of town. For example, you can let them pick up the daily mail or newspaper every day, or do your usual morning routine like taking out your trash.
A telltale sign when there is no one home is that the newspaper or mail will always pile up since there is no one to collect them. That counts with the trash too, when no one picks them up. One trick that burglars do is the ‘moving truck trick.’ When they have confirmed that no one is home.
They will pull up in a moving van, disguised as a moving company so they can safely grab all your things without getting suspicion.

But, when your neighbors do all the chores for you when you are away, the burglars will think that someone is still at home, prompting them to change targets.

Wait for a little before posting your vacation photos

This is somewhat relevant to the previous piece of advice. Posting photos or videos on social media is not a bad thing at all. After all, keeping memories of the vacation you enjoyed and needed is a fun thing to do. You just need to wait until you got home to post them.

Update Your Locks Regularly

For starters, ask yourself as to when having you last updated all your locks? If the answer is at least a year or two, then you need to update them right away. Start by doing an inventory. Check if anything is damaged and if so, change them. Have you made spare keys? If so, have you given some of them to several people?
It is always a good idea to change your locks often, at least within ten months or a year. If several of your locks are still good, rekey them or replace them altogether with more trustworthy locks. You could also upgrade them with smart locks or add precautions like door sensors and the like.
It is always a good idea to change your locks often, at least within ten months or a year. If several of your locks are still good, rekey them or replace them altogether with more trustworthy locks. You could also upgrade them with smart locks or add precautions like door sensors and the like.

Have Bright Lights Day In and Out

Whenever people see that the lights in the house are on, they would always assume that someone is home. This is also true with thieves. They don’t like houses with bright lights since they don’t want to get caught and their identities are compromised, so they change targets and go away.
Because of this, you should consider buying and installing indoor and outdoor lights for added security measures. You can also add timers that you can adjust as to when your lights will turn on. Motion sensors are useful, too, as they can notify you whenever an intruder is around.

Put Up Some Stickers

When you are short on money and aren’t capable of buying a security system, putting up alarm stickers or alarm decals can sway burglars from picking your house as their target.
This way, even if you don’t have an actual security system installed in your home, the thief will believe you have. This will scare them and sweep away any attempt to break-in on your property. But still, having an alarm system in your house will always be helpful.


These tips are the things you can do on your own if you want your property and family to be always safe. They are essential things in your life, and you don’t want anything to happen to them. But nothing is still better than having that extra protection that security systems offer.
If you want a reliable security system that has expertise on home security that is accessible in your mobile phone, then look no further than Security Baron. They are a consumer based security company that offers protection, both physical and online. Security Baron can cover your need for home security with smart home platforms.